

My little sister turns 13 today. She's not very little anymore. In fact, she's about my height and her body is better developed than mine. She's so mature too, it's scary. I don't want to get sappy but she's my baby sister. I can never tell her how proud I am of her for all she's done and all she has accomplished in her short thirteen years. I know I haven't been the easiest to deal with always, but she has stuck by me and I can honestly call her my best friend. Aww...shucks.

I don't really have much to say. 
I like this song, it just has a great rhythm and genuine vocals.
I'm starting a new diet....Gotta lose ten.


I'm going to Africa!

Cameroon to be exact. I cannot wait! While I am there I will be able to shadow and assist local doctors as well as work in the sick ward for the HIV/AIDs orphanage.

I'll probably use this as a journal while I'm there...even though no one knows about it. That's okay though, I'm glad. That's the way I like it. It makes it more journal-esque.

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