
Day 58

Today I decided to wade out into the monsoon with Elena in hopes of finding an open shop and purchasing toilet paper (totally necessary) and luckily we caught one shop owner before he left for church. I purchased said TP (“Works better than the average banana leaf!”-sales pitch...No, I'm not joking) and there it was, hanging right before my eyes: instant cappuccino. Of course I snagged a bag and after lunch promptly snatched my trusty coffee pot out of my bags (I've been packing...) and whipped that puppy up. My goodness caffeine tastes good!
Yes, I have coffee I can brew here but it's not something I can whip up at breakfast in the mornings and if I don't immediately clean it up tiny, annoying sugar ants will cover my desk and crawl in the coffee pot and it's just a mess. So yes, this is awesome. An awesome little pick-me-up for my last week here in Africa. Thank you, Jesus. 
(please note: excessive happiness is mostly due to first doses of caffeine in a month)
Oh the little joys in life...the little, caffeinated, artificially flavored joys in life.....

Day 59

I re-read Romans 12 for about the 200th time and caught the part of verse 6 that says:
 “if you work with the disadvantaged, don't let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them. Keep a smile on your face.” 
You know, just one of those complete forehead-smacking DUH moments.

Today I definitely kept a smile on my face and took photo after photo after photo with my patients and the staff. I'm going to miss them, of course. I'm really sad about leaving the patients. My “husband” said he's paying his bill and leaving this week too, because if I'm not there he doesn't want to be there either. (DAW) He gave me four different phone numbers and three mailing addresses he can be reached at because he said he is not going to rest easy until he knows I've arrived safely at home. (DAW again!) I have so many addresses to write saying I made it home alive, I should probably start writing out the letters now....but instead I'm off to print the photos I took today to give the patients tomorrow. 

...and buy some more instant coffee...

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