
Nativity Scene

Well, today we celebrate Christmas Eve. For those of us who are of Christian faith, this is a big night for us. This night signifies the night that our savior came to change the world. When I think of kings or queens I think of gold and silver crowns, people bowing in awe and reverence to the royalty they see before them...not unlike how the Narnians regard Edmund, Lucy, Peter and Susan. They precede them with trumpets and horns, celebrating their arrival and bowing in their wake. But Christ? He entered this world in the most humble and modest way possible. His mother rode cross country on the back of an ass just to give birth to the son of God in a stable? Nobody was there to blow a trumpet, announce the arrival of the King of Kings. No one bowed down in awe (save for his parents of course). He was raised in a modest household eating off of tables made of wood rather than gold and yet, he was still more than happy to suffer and die for me.
They say Christmas isn't about the presents...but the truth is, Christmas is about THE present. The Gift of God.

Merry Christmas!

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