

Today will be a good day whether things go my way or not.  I'm amazed at how much I've let other people's anger and hostility affect my attitude and mood lately. It's time to let all that go. I have six days left to work with these kids and I want to enjoy them. 

I'm determined to be in a good mood, stress free, and pleasant to be around.

Maybe it's the espresso talking.

Maybe it's because it's Friday.

It's been quite a year. In the past 330 or so days I have been to and returned from Africa, spent time with foreign family, applied to and  was turned down from medical school, thrown into teaching three math classes, begun the process of reapplying to medical school, watched my older sister get engaged, celebrated the triumphs of friends and mourned the losses of others, and so many other things.

As I prepare to sit for the MCAT again and reapply to medical school, looking back on all that has happened and all the changes that have occurred, I am excited to see what is to come.


"I've seen streets so dirty there's hardly a place to walk,
I've fallen asleep to wild bush birds singin' the prettiest songs,
I've seen all of the fear and all the murder on TV,
and I've stood free on solid waves, Mother Earth's greatest treat.

I've seen people screaming at the car that cut them off,
I've felt the thinnest mountain air cleaning out my lungs,
I see fast food chains nearly every place that I go,
But I've had a belly full of the freshest fish speared with a single throw."
-Xavier Rudd 


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