
Romans 4&5

Yesterday I read 4. Today I read 5.

Both chapters speak directly to me. Chapter 4 spoke of having faith in God and trusting Him to accomplish things and to set me right. "You could never do it for yourself no matter how hard and long you worked. Well, that trusting-Him-to-do-it is what set you right with God, by God." No matter how long and hard I work at being a good person, a good sister, a good daughter, a good Christian, I will never be able to do it without listening to God's instruction and correction. No matter how hard I work, how much I study, how many hours I volunteer, or how many letters of recommendation I receive, I will never get into medical school if I don't trust in God to get me there.

There's a verse Bro. Pouncy preached on one evening this and when he read it, it stuck with me. Jesus was speaking to His disciples before He ascended into Heaven and they wanted to know when He would return. Jesus said, “You don’t get to know the time. Timing is the Father’s business." Many months ago (maybe two years now, actually) I prayed for patience. I knew it was not my strongest characteristic. I believe the Lord has used many events in my life to teach me patience. When I start getting impatient about knowing where I'll be in the fall or if I'll be accepted this year, I hear that verse in my head. Romans tells us we have to work hard towards our goals while having faith that God will allow us to achieve them when He decide's it is the right time.

Chapter 5 reiterated the importance of patience. "We continue to shout our praise even when we're hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we're never left feeling shortchanged."

Just because things don't happen the way I want them to, when I want them to is no reason to stop shouting praises to God. I am beyond fortunate in every single area of my life. My God is so good! When I think about how He blesses me beyond measure even in just one, tiny facet of my life I am overwhelmed. My God takes the time to personalize every detail of every second of my every day. 

God let me shout your praises! You are an almighty God! You are a loving God! You are a gentle God! You are my God! You pour out your blessings on me and my family. You give me more and better than I deserve. Please continue to guide me in the way you'd have me go. Lord, help me be daughter, sister, friend you made me to be. Forgive me where I've failed you. I pray your hand be on Chloe this week. Please lift up the sick and steady the hands of their healers. In your name,

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